
September 18, 2022


  1. Guest services September 25, and October 2. Bring family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to hear the Gospel. Keep thinking about who you can invite!
  2. Today is Prayer Card Sunday. Our children face many challenges in today’s world. Your prayers to keep them safe and shape their character is much needed. There are baskets on the Welcome Desk and the table outside the sanctuary. Please make sure to take one.
  3. What in the world is going on? Join us in the Issues & Answers class as we start a new series entitled “Understanding the Times” beginning next Sunday to find out!
  4. Hope Explored starts again on Monday September 26. Join us at the Broad Street Grind at 7:45 p.m. for coffee and conversation about our hope in Christ.
  5. Pastor Jeff Pike’s installation at 6 p.m. on October 2. Join us for this service on World Communion Sunday. The Lord’s Supper will be served with international cuisine to follow.
  6. Please continue to pray for the search committee for pastor to youth and children as they receive applications and interview candidates.
  7. An opportunity to be baptized on Sunday Oct. 9th. If you have not been baptized but would like to, please speak with one of the pastors.
  8. Calling all parents! Join us for a parenting conference at Leidy’s Church October 14 & 15.  Bill Farley, author of Gospel Powered Parenting, will help us think about raising children and grandchildren.
  9. We are looking to appoint a new Grounds & Facilities’ Manager to begin work in October. If you would be interested in this position please email Jeff Schatz.
  10. Senior’s Fall Feast happens on Thursday, October 6th from 11:30 to 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Sign-up on the sheet in the narthex.
  11. Help needed cleaning while we seek to appoint a new building manager. Contact Jeff Schatz if you can help in any way.
  12. The flowers are placed by Ken and Connie Merritt praising God for 52 years together.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.


  • Spiritual growth is always desirable, though not always easily experienced. The new Erukula believers who have come to faith in the past three years are in need of spiritual growth. Regeneration is the doorway to a Christian life that grows fuller and fuller, more informed, and more faithful year by year. A good verse that shows how such growth happens is Psalm 119:27. Make me understand the way of Your precepts, So I will meditate on Your wonders. As new believers begin to live as the Bible directs – often despite wondering how it will work out – they begin to see the wonder of God’s working. Let’s pray the Erukula believers will have many reasons to meditate on God’s wonders as they put biblical instruction into practice. May this wonder also continue to occur in our lives!
  • Praise the Lord for the rapid spread of the gospel via the first Global Disciples Directors Training in Mali, September 26-October 5, 2022. Pray for Global Disciples Facilitators from Niger and Chad as they lead, disciple, and train potential program directors who will return to train 10 to 15 disciples in each program who will reach out to least-reached people in their country. Pray that the Lord will give clear vision and direction as they discern the tribes they are called to reach. Mali has a population of 22,393,000 of which, 20,476,000 are unreached.Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. [2 Thess. 3:1-3]

Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Dave Guntz, Patty Kendall 22n; George Frueh, Drake Hager, Dave Walbrandt 23; Clyde Derstine 24; Angela Caserta 25; John Brockwell, Amelia McVaugh 26; Judy Ott, Elaine Greene 27.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Gary and Cindy Filson, Peter and Bambi Martindell, Tony and Kelly Wilwert 27; Rod and Yvonne Shoemaker, Francis and Judi Weiss 28.

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