
February 2, 2025


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. Our sincere Christian sympathy to Connie Merritt, Tom Merritt and family at the death of their mother, and grandmother, Peg Mower. May God be with them at this difficult time.

4. Night to Shine is still in need of bakers, clean-up crew on Friday night after the event and tear down on Saturday. Please email BucksMontNTS@gmail.com or let the office know if you can help!

5. Traditionally in January we encourage all who are worshipping at Leidy’s Church to get involved in serving on a Ministry Team. The benefit is both for the church and for the person serving, as we grow when we are serving together. Follow the link in the online newsletter, look at the ministry page on the website, or call the office to learn more about how you can get involved and serve.

6. For the next few Sundays we will be holding Sunday worship service in the Fellowship Hall as there will be work being done to put in the new screens for worship.

7. Dear Church Family, on behalf of myself and my children I want to express our deepest gratitude for all the love, support, and assistance you provided during the funeral service for my beloved husband, Stephen. Your kindness, prayers, and the many ways you served us during this difficult time have been a true comfort. Thank you for your help in preparing the service, for offering the church as a place of remembrance and worship, and for your generosity in providing refreshment for visitors. Your compassion and hospitality meant so much to us, and we are deeply grateful for the care and thoughtfulness you showed in every detail. May the Lord bless you all for the love and support you have extended to us in this season of sorrow. We are comforted knowing that Steve is now with his Savior, and we are strengthened by the church family that has surrounded us with Christ’s love. With heartfelt appreciation, Irina, Aleks, Maikl, & Elein

8. Ladies of Leidy’s invites all ladies to join them this Tuesday evening at 7pm in Rm. 123 for their monthly business meeting. They will be planning their annual Potluck & Fellowship Dinner which will be on Tuesday, March 4th. Be on the lookout for a signup sheet that will be posted in the narthex within the next few weeks.

9. Want to send help to the people in California who have lost homes to the wildfires? Just use a Second Mile offering envelope which you’ll find in the pew rack and mark it Wildfire Help. Those funds will be sent to Samaritan’s Purse who has teams on the ground helping those in need.

10. A Gofund.me page was started for Irina Yagilnicky by her family to cover funeral costs, etc. If you are willing to support or share in this fundraiser, here is the link: https://gofund.me/b217851d. Or you may support her through a Second Mile Envelope which can be found in the pew rack and mark it “Good Samaritan Fund-Irina”.

11. Reagan Hostelley and Andrew Wetzel are looking for an apartment for when they get married in April. They are looking in the Souderton/Telford area. Please call 267-500-4664 if you know of any available soon. Thanks!

12. Men’s Bible Study meets this Friday morning at 5:30am in the Youth Room. Any questions see Dave Doran.

13. The flowers are in honor of Byron and Dottie Rimmer’s 61st wedding anniversary on February 1st.

14. January Ushers: Alex Hager, Bob Hager, Frank Bivighouse, Usher Coordinator: Mark Kostishion.