
July 21, 2024


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. The sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared at the service of worship next Sunday. We invite all members of the church of Jesus Christ to share in this sacrament.

4. A VBS Meeting will be held immediately following the service of worship in the Fellowship Hall.

5. There will be a Congregational/Information Mtg. next Sunday after the service of worship, followed by a luncheon. Plan on attending to hear the happenings in our church.

6. Summer Prayer Meeting: Wednesday evening on August 14, 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come and join us for a time of prayer!

7. VBS Begins Next Week and if you are volunteering please make sure your clearances are in the office and up to date. Check with the office or go to the volunteer page on our website: leidyschurch.org/volunteer for all the information you need to get your clearances. THANK YOU for volunteering!

8. Adopt-an-Island Signup: Adopt an island to weed and mulch. There are a few left. Choose your island and take home a map to help you find it! Sign up after church in the Narthex.

9. Next Sunday is the last week we will be collecting for Keystone Opportunity Center. You will find the list of items needed on the narthex wall. If you have any questions, see Kendall Musselman or the church office.

10. Coffee Hour help: please check the coffee munchies online schedule to see where you can plug in to help especially in July or another Sunday you’d be able to over the summer. Please contact Vangie Niederhaus or the church office for help signing up.

11. The Summer Blood Drive happens on Thursday, August 13th from 2-7. Someone will be the narthex to get you signed up for a time slot. Or you can go online to www.redcrossblood.org and click on “Find a Blood Drive” and then go to the box type listed as leidyschurch.

12. Stan Friday is celebrating his 102nd birthday this Tuesday. If possible, please send him a birthday greeting to let him know you are thinking of him.

13. This Coming Week is a SLMT work-week at Life Turning Point Philly. Please remember to pray for our workers faithfully laboring at 5200 Wayne Avenue in Philly. If it turns out you can make it down to help for a day or two, just let Brian Radcliff know. He would be glad to hear from you.

14. July Ushers:  Dave Doran, Dave Guntz, Bob Hager, and Doug Elliot – Usher Coordinator