

Fellowship is one of the words the Bible uses to describe the Christian life. At Leidy’s we try to take that to heart by meeting to encourage one another and share the love of Christ.

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Sunday School

Throughout the ages Christians have been called a people of the book. This is a title we hold in high esteem. It reminds us that we are to be people committed to God’s Word. Part of that commitment is time spent studying God’s Word and learning. Each week men and women meet for adult Sunday school. There are a variety of classes covering a many different topics. All of them seek to build up the body of Christ and help us know and love Jesus more each day.

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Those who have seen more of life know better than most that life can be difficult. Older Adults Sharing in Service is Leidy’s answer to some of those difficulties. It is a group of older adults who love and care for one another through fellowship, shared meals, service, teaching, and trips.

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Women’s Ministry

Leidy’s Church hosts a Precept Bible Study through the school year which studies God’s Word and provides fellowship and care. In addition, Ladies of Leidy’s, which meets monthly, serves God’s people through service, encouragement, prayer, and support. Throughout the year, ladies take time to get away and spend a more focused time in prayer and learning (as well as having a great time) at retreats and conferences.

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Men’s Ministry

Twice a month men of Leidy’s are invited to come to a morning devotional time and opportunities for men to pray for one another while enjoying donuts and coffee. Throughout the year there are many opportunities for men to gather for food, fellowship, and prayer at Men’s breakfasts and other special events. 

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Youth Retreats

Life can be busy and stressful. This is true for everyone. Sometimes it is helpful to retreat from the normal pace of life and spend time learning about God, His Word, and His people. This February, Leidy’s Youth will head to Refreshing Mountain for a fun filled weekend learning about God’s Word. Click here to register. Click here for forms and more information.

Youth Fellowship

Each Sunday from 6:00 to 8:00, kids from 6th through 12th grade are invited to Youth Fellowship. This is a time of learning with lots of fun and games. Throughout the year we try to have special activities, service projects, and monthly times of worship and meals together. Currently we are looking at the books of the Bible seeking to understand how they help us understand Jesus. If you are curious about Jesus but do not know where to begin to understand Him, Youth Fellowship is the place for you.

Bible Study

Bible Studies are available during the year for students from 6th to 12th grade. This is a time designed for kids to come and learn about God, share life with one another, and pray for one another. Even if you have never been to a Bible Study, this is a great place to get plugged in, meet new people, and learn from God’s Word.

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