
September 15, 2024


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. It's a Wedding and we’re getting married! Well, that’s what will happen on Sunday evening at 6:30 on Sept. 22nd, at the Installation Service of Pastor Darren DePaul. Each party will make vows before God to the other, and then the union will be pronounced as official! Pastor Darren will make vows regarding the conduct of his ministry among this congregation and the congregation will make vows regarding their attitude and behavior towards Pastor DePaul. Area Pastors will be present to witness this solemn event and celebrate the coming of a new man of God among them, giving him the right hand of fellowship. Pastor Armand L. Weller will be Liturgist for the service and Pastor John H.C. Niederhaus will be the Preacher for the service. Fellowship and food will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Insure that you are present for this joyful milestone in the life of Leidy’s Church.

4. Kids Quest begins on Wednesday, September 25 from 6:15 - 8:00, with a family dinner at 5:45. For kids in 1st - 5th Grade! Grab your parka and snow boots! We’re heading to the Arctic Circle to learn all about the book that is filled with treasure and truth: the Bible! Signup via the church app.

5. Operation Christmas Child boxes are here. You can find them at different locations around the church. This year’s return-by-date is Sunday, November 3rd. Thanks for helping.

6. O.A.S.I.S Fall Potluck Luncheon - Change in Plans: The Fall Lancaster trip has now moved to the Fellowship Hall. Thursday October 24th, 11:30 - 1:30. Bring your favorite dish to share and join us for our Fall Potluck Dinner! Come together with friends to enjoy an afternoon filled with laughter, fellowship, and mouthwatering dishes. Signup via the church app.

7. Prayer Meeting - Join us for a time of prayer this Wednesday at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall.

8. Church & Community Team is having a Food Drive through the month of September to benefit the children in our community. Take a flyer with you as you shop for groceries, as the items are specific. We cannot collect perishables (short shelf-life), and don’t forget to check expiration dates. Bring your items each week to the lobby & watch the food collection grow!

9. From Bill & Myrt Jones: Thank you for the many heartfelt prayers for our son Roger. He fought the good fight and kept the faith and is now basking in the presence of Jesus his Lord and Savior. What a treasure of Christian love you were on his behalf!

10. The flowers are placed by Sherman and Karen Focht, thanking God for all His blessings, and for 61 years of marriage.

11. September Ushers:  Bob Shafer, Tom Kraus, Karl Ernst, Mark Kostishion – Usher Coordinator