
September 8, 2024


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. In celebration of Rally Day join us for an after-church tailgate themed lunch in the parking lot outside the gym. Today is also Prayer Card Sunday, so be sure to pick up an envelope from the basket.

4. On Sunday, September 22nd at 6:00pm we will be having an installation service of our new pastor. The installation service will be an important milestone in our journey together as we formally affirm and celebrate Pastor Darren DePaul's role in shepherding the congregation of Leidy’s Church. There will be a reception with light refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following the service of worship.

5. Coffee Hour help: Please check the coffee munchies online schedule to see where you can plug in. Please contact Vangie Niederhaus or the church office for help signing up.

6. Operation Christmas Child boxes are here. You can find them at different locations around the church. This year’s return-by-date is Sunday, November 3rd. Thanks for helping.

7. Women’s Sunday School – Starting next Sunday “Habakkuk; Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent” – this book is often overlooked, the pages are filled with encouragement during difficult seasons with a strong reminder that God is good even when there is much evil and tragedy in the world.  There will be a 25-minute teaching video by Danna Gresh followed by discussion. Books are optional, just bring Bible and notebook.  Questions, contact Verna 215-237-1370.

8. Last Call for Tickets to the BMCE Business and Professional Breakfast this Thursday featuring Erik Kratz. By noon tomorrow, contact the church office, Jack Parry, or John Niederhaus if you would like a ticket. Cost is $20 p/person.

9. The Property Committee is in the process of cleaning out and organizing the barn. If you are storing anything there that you wish to keep, we ask that you have it out by the end of September. This does not apply to props that the church uses in church dramas. Thank you.

10. The Mission Committee meets this Thursday evening at 7 in the Conference Room.

11. Church & Community Team is having a Food Drive through the month of September to benefit the hungry children in our community. Take a flyer with you as you shop for groceries, as the items are specific. We cannot collect perishables (short shelf-life), and don’t forget to check expiration dates. Bring your items each week to the lobby & watch the food collection grow!

12. The flowers are placed by the family of Ron Moyer on the first anniversary of his passing. Always in our hearts!

13. September Ushers:  Bob Shafer, Tom Kraus, Karl Ernst, Mark Kostishion – Usher Coordinator