
March 23, 2025


1. If you are a guest, please fill out a Connect with Leidy’s Card and visit the Welcome Desk outside of the Sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. We Welcome Denny Barger back to Leidy’s Church. We are his originating congregation where the Lord Jesus got hold of him and to which he returns with some regularity. Today he is returning from Morocco where he was meeting with the underground church. He will have 5 to 8 minutes to speak in the service of worship, but he’s glad to speak with you for 55 to 88 minutes after the service!

4. Leidy’s Church Auction will be held on Saturday, April 26th. Please consider donating an auction item. Some good ideas for items to donate include new or gently loved items, baked goods, hand-made items, outdoor décor and planters, work-related services, weekend getaways, family-style dinners, acts of service. Bring your donation to the church office. Nothing is too big or too small – all donations are greatly appreciated. A donation form is in your mailbox, or you can pick one up at the Welcome Desk.

5. Coming April 6th – New four-week Membership Class! Sunday mornings 8:45-9:45, April 6, 13, 27, and May 4. If you are interested in learning more about Leidy’s Church, join this class that explains what we believe, who we are, where we’re going, and how to get involved in the life of the church. The course will help you get connected at Leidy’s Church. Signup on Church Center or contact the office.

6. On Friday, April 11th beginning at 6pm there will be a worship service outside with a bonfire, followed by BBQ dinner and an egg hunt. Come on out for some good ole fashion fellowship.  

7. O.A.S.I.S. is headed out to Lancaster for an Amish lunch on Thursday, April 24. Lunch is at 12 noon sharp. The cost is $18 per person, payable in cash or check made out to By or Dottie Rimmer. A final head count is needed before April 14th, so please sign up by April 13th. There is a sign-up in the narthex.

8. Cookbook Launch - On Saturday, March 29th, we invite you to join us for the launch of the first Leidy’s cookbook in over a decade! There will be a spaghetti dinner that will start at 6pm. For dessert there will be a buffet featuring recipes submitted and featured in the new cookbook. You can register online for the dinner and there are paper forms available for you to register as well.

9. The Sonshine Players presents BeeAttitudes. You’re invited to see what all the Buzz is all about! Saturday, April 5th – 6pm and Sunday, April 6th – 4pm. Free admission and free concessions.

10. New Women's Sunday School Class April 6th, we will be offering a 7-week study on spiritual warfare, Armor of God using Priscilla Shirer's: The Armor of God revised Bible Study. All women are welcome to join us!

11. Bean Bag Food Drive through March 30th: 10 most needed items - Easy meals for kids: Hormel Complete microwave meals, Chunky soup, Cereal - low sugar, Instant oatmeal, Shelf stable milk, GoGo Squeez Yogurtz, Pasta bowls, 90 second rice cups or pouches, pancake mix, microwave popcorn. Remember to check expiration dates! Grab a flyer on the farm table outside of the office!

12. The flowers are placed by Delton and Laurie Plank to the glory of God and in loving memory of Laurie’s parents.

13. March Ushers: Dave Guntz, Delton Plank, Karl Ernst, Usher Coordinator: Tony Wilwert