1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.
2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared at the service of worship this morning.
4. Leidy’s Church Congregational Lunch & Meeting will take place next Sunday, January 12th after the service of worship. At this meeting a budget will be adopted for 2025. A copy of the budget is posted on the narthex wall before the meeting.
5. The Red Cross Mobile Blood Unit will be at Leidy’s Church this Wednesday from 2-7pm. You can register to donate blood by going to www.redcrossblood.org and click on “Find a Blood Drive” then click on leidyschurch, or by signing up in the narthex before or after the service of worship on Sunday.
6. Men’s Breakfast happens this Saturday beginning at 8am. Speaker will be our own Jack Parry. You can sign up through the church website or the sheet in the narthex.
7. March for Life takes place on Friday, January 24th. Leidy’s Church will have a Perkiomen bus taking people down. The bus will leave the parking lot at 6 am and usually returns between 8:30 and 9. Cost is $25. Sign up through the Leidy’s Church website, or on the sheet in the narthex.
8. Night to Shine Help Needed: This year’s event takes place on Friday, February 7th. We will have over 160 guests who will be experiencing a wonderful time. In order to make this a great event we need over 300 volunteers. There are many ways to help, see the January newsletter for a complete list. If you have any questions speak to Evan Delaplane, Tony Kapusta, or Denise Kulp.
9. Save the date: Ladies of Leidy’s will have their first meeting of the new year on Tuesday, January 7th, at 7pm in Rm. 123. All women are welcome to attend! Please bring a friend or invite another member.
10. The 2025 Flower Chart is posted on the wall in the narthex for those who would like to sponsor flowers for our sanctuary.
11. January Ushers: Alex Hager, Bob Hager, Frank Bivighouse, Usher Coordinator: Mark Kostishion.