
July 7, 2024


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. Volunteers: If you plan to volunteer with VBS or any child related program, your clearances MUST be in the office and up to date. Check with the office or go to the volunteer page on our website: leidyschurch.org/volunteer for all the information you need to get your clearances. THANK YOU for volunteering!

4. Summer Prayer Meetings: July 17 and August 14, 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come and join us for a time of prayer!

5. We will be collecting items for the Keystone Opportunity Center beginning this Sunday through July 28th. You will find the list of items needed on the narthex wall. If you have any questions, see Kendall Musselman or the church office.

6. Marilee’s cookbook: don’t forget to submit your favorite family-gathering recipes and reminiscences for the new Leidy’s Church cookbook honoring Marilee Hughes. You have until Labor Day to get your submissions included. You can email them to inthistimeofneed@gmail.com or get them to Gina Shoemaker or Vangie Niederhaus. The sooner you get them in, the better!

7. The Bell Choir  is looking for a few more bell ringers to ring in the months of September, November, or December. For each month, there would be two practices (on Wednesday nights) followed by ringing on a Sunday morning. Basic note reading is helpful. If interested, please call/text or email George Frueh 215-530-9931 ... gtfrueh@comcast.net

8. Coffee Hour help: please check the coffee munchies online schedule to see where you can plug in to help especially in July or another Sunday you’d be able to over the summer. Please contact Vangie Niederhaus or the church office for help signing up.

9. Help is needed for the SLMT work weeks at Life Turning Point in Philly. The dates are July 13th, July 22nd – 27th, and August 5th-10th . You can sign up online or on the narthex wall.

10. Summer Sunday School:  8:45-9:00am the 2 year olds through fourth grade meet in Rm. 119 for singing. From 9-9:45am:  0-2 year olds – Rm. 112; 2-5 year olds - Rm. 108; 1st -4th  grade -Rm. 104; 5th -8th  grade - Rm. 101; 9th -12th  grade - the Youth Room.

11. SLMT Event - Private Inline 309 Skating Party ONLY a few days away...join us for Leidy's Church skating at Inline 309 on Friday July 12, 5:30-7:30. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Invite friends! Tickets are $20 to skate and $15 to come and watch. All money goes to SLMT. Last chance to get tickets so please call the church office ASAP.

12. The flowers are placed by Barbara DiLucia in gratefulness to God for sending us a new pastor.

13. July Ushers:  Dave Doran, Dave Guntz, Bob Hager, and Doug Elliot – Usher Coordinator


†     Joel and Shula Brown live in the north end of Winnipeg, Canada. The area where the live is called the North End. It’s not a good area, one that has its fair share of gangs and the like. They live there because their ministry is to mostly to young men, most of whom are Native Americans. For the past 6 years they’ve held a weekly Bible study and fellowship time on Sundays from noon to 5pm. A meal is shared, they hang out, and then study the Bible. Usually there are 10 to 12 young men who come out. Shula also connects with a couple of married women and serves as a mentor for them.

    Leidy’s Church first met Shula when she was Shula Mulenga, a young African woman who felt called to go to Canada to work with indigenous peoples. Guess what? The Lord led her to Pikangikum! Eventually she met Joel who lived and ministered in the North End of Winnipeg. They got married, so she moved to Winnipeg. Now they have two children, Eliani who is 4 and Amari who is 2. Joel is a carpenter’s apprentice and hopes to get his journeyman’s license in 2 years. At that time, they would become self- supporting. Their ministry has brought faith and stability to lives that were in rough seas, as it were. We pray continued success for their ministry.

    By the way, you can see Joel and Shula – and all our missionaries – on the back wall of the narthex. Take time to put some names and faces together.