1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.
2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.
3. We encourage all who are worshipping at Leidy’s Church to get involved in serving on a Ministry Team. The benefit is both for the church and for the person serving, as we grow when we are serving together. Follow the link in the online newsletter, look at the ministry page on the website, or call the office to learn more about how you can get involved and serve.
4. Ash Wednesday Worship takes place this Wednesday at 7:00, the Lord’s Supper will be shared at this service of worship.
5. Interested in learning more about Leidy’s Church? Join our Foundational Class that explains what we believe, who we are, where we’re going, and how to get involved in the life of the church. Register online or call the church office to join the next Membership Class!
6. We Welcome Pastor Bill Devlin to Leidy’s Church this morning. A longtime friend of Leidy’s Church, he has spoken at a couple of Consistory Retreats and now is laboring as a Pastor to the Persecuted Church around the world. He has amazing accounts to relate to us.
7. Mission Month Begins today! During March classes will meet together in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 each Sunday. A full presentation will be given by a special mission speaker each of those days. We begin with Pastor Bill Devlin, our pastor to the Persecuted Church. Next week will feature Chariots for Hope. Further details may be found in the March Newsletter.
8. Ladies of Leidys Annual Potluck Dinner & Monthly Meeting. Join us this Tuesday at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall for a fun evening of good food and great company! Please bring a dish to share, and after the potluck, we’ll have our monthly meeting. You can register on-line or via the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
9. Airport Rides Needed. Irina Yagilnicky and her three children need a ride from the Philly airport and to the Philly airport. Here are the dates and times: arriving Wednesday, March 19th at 5:33pm on United Airlines flight #664; departing Monday, March 24th at 12 noon on United Airlines flight #2394. If you can provide one or both of these rides, please contact the church office asap. Danke.
10. Love Cradle Banquet is slated for Saturday, March 22nd. It begins at 1pm. Note the new time! You may pre-register by sending a text to (267) 777-2711 or by emailing If you do so by March 18th, it would be most helpful.
11. Kids Quest Spring 2025 begins March 12-April 16. Kids Quest will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, and proclaim, the greatness of God. You can go to for more info, to register to be a participant, a youth volunteer, a Table Parent or a general volunteer!
12. You can be a blessing today, just sign the greeting cards in the church office. This is a ministry started by Roger Jones.
13. Thank you for all of your cards, prayers, and meals that you have blessed us with during my hip replacement recovery. They were very much appreciated. We feel so blessed to be part of this church family.
BJ, Jerry and Katie
14. Bean Bag Food Drive, March 1st-30th: 10 most needed items - Easy meals for kids: Hormel Complete microwave meals, Chunky soup, Cereal - low sugar, Instant oatmeal, Shelf stable milk, GoGo Squeez Yogurtz, Pasta bowls, 90 second rice cups or pouches, pancake mix, microwave popcorn. Remember to check expiration dates! Grab a flyer on the farm table outside of the office!
15. Reagan Hostelley and Andrew Wetzel are looking for an apartment for when they get married in April. They are looking in the Souderton/Telford area. Please call 267-500-4664 if you know of any available soon. Thanks!
16. The flowers today are provided by John and Pat Niederhaus with thanksgiving to God for their three children who have birthdays in March. That would be John Henry, Ruthie, and Vangie. We love you!
17. March Ushers: Dave Guntz, Delton Plank, Karl Ernst, Usher Coordinator: Tony Wilwert