See where you can get plugged in by becoming part of one of our teams.
This team serves the church through running the AV equipment to make Sunday mornings and all activities function in our building, as well as managing our wi-fi, network, and other systems on all properties.
This team serves the church by coordinating and executing the Christian education of our members, young and old through Sunday school, Faith & Fellowship, Kids Quest, VBS, Nursery Care and more.
This team serves the church by supporting office staff database management and communications (digital and print material, creation and distribution of information to members, social media, etc.).
This team strives to meet the spiritual and material needs of those in our community by hosting community events, evangelistic efforts and supporting and participating in local causes.
This team serves to care for the church by meeting the spiritual and material needs of the congregation.
This team serves the church by helping with all the various aspects of the financial management of the church.
This team serves the church through planning, organizing and executing various activities and events that create a time of fellowship for our church family. Food (of course) is an important part of many of the activities, and this team also does a wonderful job of keeping us well-fed!
This team coordinates the missionary work of the church and works closely with our missionaries and the ministry organizations we support.
This team provides for the church to engage in a special time of praise & worship by coordinating all groups & events that compose our services.
This team serves the church by coordinating the maintenance and repair of the church building, outdoor space, and all other owned property.
This team serves the church by providing a smiling face and welcoming heart to all those who enter our church as well as introduce them to current groups and events where they can get connected.
Sunday School is offered for children ages 2 through confirmation (approx. age 12-13). The current curriculum is from Truth 78 which was formerly Children Desiring God. Parents are encouraged to download the Growing in Faith Together (G.I.F.T.) app so they know what their children are learning and can interact with them throughout the week to reinforce spiritual truths introduced in class.
iBLAST is Leidy’s Wednesday night children’s program which runs from September-March with a break in December. The iBlast program is intended for children in 1st through 5th grade. A family style dinner is offered from 5:15-6:00 p.m. and is followed by the iBlast program from 6:00-7:30 p.m. There is a large group time at the beginning and then children are divided up by age for rotation through three areas: Bible lesson, workshop and snack, and alternating gym/craft weeks.
Each year in late June, Leidy’s church hosts a VBS program. Our 2022 VBS program promises to be a whale of a good time.
Grace Notes is Leidy’s children’s choir. They practice every Wednesday immediately before iBlast from 5:00-5:30 p.m. Grace Notes is open to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Children’s Spring Musical is open to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, though teenagers and adults are often tapped to fill some of the more ambitious roles. Practices are held on Saturday mornings from January through April and culminate in two performances open to friends, family, and church members.