
Immanuel Leidy's Church is led by pastors, served by elders & deacons, and governed by the congregation. 


Darren DePaul
Lead Pastor

Darren provides preaching, teaching, discipleship, pastoral care, and counseling. Darren loves Jesus, is passionate about the church, and desires to serve humbly and faithfully as a pastor and servant of Jesus.

our staff

Baird Thompson
Director of Youth and Worship Ministry
Jenny Ernst
Office Administrator
Dorothy Kehs
Office Administrator
Mary Beth Musselman
Financial Secretary
Dave Doran
Building and Grounds Supervisor
Bonnie Pross
Part-time Custodian


Josh Heebner
President of Consistory
Francis Weiss
Vice President of Consistory
Praise & Worship
Tony Kapusta
Deacon & Secretary of Consistory
Food & Fellowship
Jim Kinney
Treasurer & Elder on Consistory
Jim Foote
Deacon on Consistory
AV & Technology Management
Shaun Permar
Elder on Consistory
Christian Education
Dave Doran
Elder on Consistory
Communications & Admin Support
Kendall Musselman
Deacon on Consistory
Community Outreach
Ken Merritt
Elder on Consistory
Congregational Care
Brian Shoemaker
Elder on Consistory
Missions & Ministry Support
Brian Radcliff
Deacon on Consistory
Jerry Kulp
Elder on Consistory
Justine Smith
Worship Leader
John Rittenhouse
Worship Leader
Justin & Emma Coale
Young Adult Leaders
Jim & Ginna Foote
Young Adult Leaders


Spiritual Council is made up of elders who oversee the spiritual well-being of the pastors, staff and the congregation.
Darren DePaul, Pastor
Dave Doran
Rich Kapusta
Jim Kinney
Jerry Kulp
Steve Landis
Terry Leidy
Tim Leidy
Tom Leidy
Ken Merritt
John Niederhaus, Pastor Emeritus
Bob Ott
Stan Ott
Jack Parry
Shaun Permar
Byron Rimmer
Joe Sciacca
Brian Shoemaker
Harvey Shoemaker
Francis Weiss
Tony Wilwert