Immanuel Leidy's Church is led by pastors, served by elders & deacons, and governed by the congregation.
Darren serves at Immanuel Leidy’s Church by preaching God’s Word, providing leadership and discipleship, and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. He has served in full-time pastoral ministry for over twenty-five years in churches across South Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He is passionate about preaching Christ-centered, verse-by-verse, expositional sermons that apply God’s Word to every area of life.
Darren holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Geneva College and a Master of Divinity from Trinity Anglican Seminary. He enjoys fly-fishing, reading theological works (especially by “old dead guys”), serving the local church, and spending time with his family. Darren and his wife, Jenny, have been married since 2001 and have two daughters.