
August 25, 2024


1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Connect with Leidy’s Card and put it in the Get Connected pillars on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3. Coffee Hour help: Please check the coffee munchies online schedule to see where you can plug in. Please contact Vangie Niederhaus or the church office for help signing up.

4. Women’s Sunday School – Starting September 8th “Habakkuk; Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent” – though this small book is often overlooked, the pages are filled with encouragement during difficult seasons with a strong reminder that God is good even when there is much evil and tragedy in the world around us.  There will be a 25 minute teaching video by Danna Gresh followed by discussion among all you fine ladies. Books are optional, just bring Bible and notebook.  Questions, please contact Verna 215-237-1370.

5. Young Adults Sunday School Class - Starting Sept. 1st, College & Career, Age 18 - 24(ish) - Join us for a new Sunday School Class Sundays from 8:45 - 9:45 in Room 111. If you have any questions, please contact Justin & Emma Coale, or Jim & Ginna Foote.  

6. Don’t Forget to submit your recipes for the Leidy's Church Cookbook. Next Sunday is the deadline for contributions. All proceeds will benefit the House of Jesús project.

7. Confirmation Classes will resume on September 15th. New students should contact the church office or Pastor Niederhaus.

8. When Seasons Change is a ministry of encouragement offered to widows in our church and community.  This is an intimate group that meets in our homes once a month (ordinarily on the third Thursday evening 6:30-8 pm) and will begin again in September.  We also offer two fellowship trips a year – please join us!  For more info contact Donna Weiss or Verna Bowman.

9. New Precept Class begins September 5th. Ezekiel – Then You Will Know That I Am the Lord, Part One. If you will be new to Precept, please contact Verna Bowman at gvbowman@comcast.net.

10. The flowers are placed in loving memory of Don Nase from his family in honor of his birthday.

11. September Ushers:  Bob Shafer, Tom Kraus, Karl Ernst, Mark Kostishion – Usher Coordinator