- The Rummage Sale is this week! Mary Beth Musselman will be in the narthex to help you sign-up for a time slot to work anytime during the set-up on Monday and Tuesday or during the actual sale, Wednesday 9-8 and Thursday 9-6. We especially need men, women, and youth to help Thursday evening starting at 6:00 for pack-up.
- Have you read J C Ryle’s Holiness? If so join us for our Lent Book discussion with Michael next Sunday at 4:00 in room 123.
- Hope Explored, a three-week course for those wanting to brush up on Christian basics, or those with questions about Christianity begins Tuesday at 7:45pm at the Broad Street Grind. Tony will lead the evenings, and there will be plenty of time for discussion so bring friends and family along.
- Vacation Bible School: God is a good God and great designer! Kids K-5th Grade come to VBS June 20-24. See Pastor Michael or the welcome desk for more info.
- Leidy’s Lunch Bunch is Back! Tuesday, May 24, at 11:30 anyone who considers themselves a “Senior” is invited to share a picnic-themed meal and visit with one another in the Fellowship Hall. Invite friends to attend as well. Sign up in the Narthex. If you need transportation, let the office know and arrangements will be made!
- Plans continue to start a Classical Christian School at Leidy’s Church. Get further information from the church office.
- Young Adult Sunday School: They continue their study on Spiritual Gifts in Room 111, Issues & Answers: Makers of the Modern Revolution by Carl Trueman led by Steve Radcliff and Dave Reich will go through June 12th; Women’s Sunday School: Continues with a book by David Jeremiah.
- Food, Fellowship, Family Fun - Leidy’s Church is hosting a meal and concert June 9t. Indelible Grace will provide the music which will start at 7pm. Dinner will precede the concert, and childcare will be provided. Reserve your spot at
- Looking for help understanding the Christian faith? Visit Matthias Media for books and other materials to help you understand Christian faith and how to share that with others,
- Calling all Graduates: We want to recognize and honor those graduating from high school, college, business school, or graduate school during the month of June. Please contact the church office with the name of your graduate(s) and what their plans may be for the future.
- Help us honor moms with a Second Mile offering. We are seeking to support Life Turning Points as they minister to single moms and their children in Philadelphia. Just mark a Second Mile envelope “Helping Moms.”
- The flowers today are placed by John Niederhaus with thanksgiving to God for his wonderful wife, Pat, a gifted mother and grandmother who is a great gift to her family.
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- What do we value and why? No matter what society or culture one lives in, there always is a pull toward monetary accumulation. That isn’t bad in itself, but often it leads to idolatry – for both rich and poor and those in between. As we pray for the 12 Church Planters working among the Erukula people in India, that is an issue worthy of our prayers. Psalm 119:72 expresses the attitude we pray for them: The law of Your mouth is better to me, Than thousands of gold and silver pieces. As we pray, let’s pray the Holy Spirit will help the Church Planters, the people among whom they minister, and us(!) to value properly the Word of God in comparison with the accumulation of monies. Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord You are more . . .
- West Africa, including Chad and Niger, is facing its worst food crisis in more than a decade. Since 2015, the number of people in need of emergency food assistance in the region has nearly quadrupled, jumping from seven to 27 million. In the midst of this crisis, Christians in Chad and Niger are seeking to bring the Bread of Life as well as bread for eating to those in need. Let’s pray for success on both fronts: real nutrition for the body and real nutrition for the soul. Ask the Lord to guide those reaching out in Jesus’ name to those who are ready to receive both types of bread.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Aiden Kehs, Ken Ritter, Tina Smith 12t; Judah Kehs 13; Mabel Neal, Donna Weiss 14t; Sarah Jones 15; Ben Leidy, Stan Radcliff 17; Patti Jones, Janice Kulp, Jim Kulp 18t.
- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! T. Dale and Jane Leidy, Tom and Susan Merritt 15t; Jerry and BJ Kulp 16; Walt and Linda Gehman 17t; LeRoy and Diane Gehman 18.
SPECIAL OFFERING FOR UKRAINE is set for May 22nd. The Mission Committee is sponsoring a special offering for individuals and families in distress in Ukraine. Working through Love Cradle, the funds collected will be disbursed through the connection of local Baptist churches in Ukraine. To participate, use a Second Mile offering envelope and mark it “Help for Ukraine.”
PRECEPT POT-LUCK - Please join us in celebration of all that our Lord of Hosts has done through the powerful study of the book of Samuel. An evening to share a testimony, share a dish that you didn’t get to bring all-year-long and be blessed among sweet fellowship. It happens on Thursday, May 19th at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
IT’S TIME TO MULCH! This Saturday from 8 am to 12 noon, all willing helpers are invited to come and enjoy the outdoors while helping the Property Committee spruce up our property with fresh mulch. Bring along a wheelbarrow and/or a shovel if you can. Please see Kendall Musselman if you have questions.
THE BMCE BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL breakfast takes place this Thursday, May 12th, at the Franconia Heritage banquet facility. Special speaker is Jay Gordon from Grace Mennonite Church where he oversees the Upward Flag Football program. The breakfast begins at 6:30 and will end prior to 8. Tickets are $17 p/person and may be obtained from the church office, from Jack Parry, or from John Niederhaus.
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