
June 25, 2023


1.     If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.

2.     As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3.     We need eaters! Yes, SLMT ’23 [Summer Edition] needs folk who will eat all the good food a coterie of careful cooks will prepare each day for the SLMT workers at Life Turning Point Philly. Sign-up sheets are on the narthex wall. Description of the work to be done may be found in the July/August Newsletter [yes, we expect you to read it!]. This is a significant project both in terms of work to be done and in terms of help to be given to the ministry. See Brian, Sherman, or Rich for more info. 

4.     VBS is coming to Leidy's July 31 - Aug 4! To learn more and register your kids, go to www.leidyschurch.org/vbs. There are postcards on the Welcome Desk and in the office for you to take to pass out to your friends and neighbors.

5.     Precept Dessert Gathering happens this Thursday from 6:00-8:30 in Rm. 123. There will be testimonies and praises of thanksgiving. Those who would like more information on the upcoming class, which begins in September, you are welcome to come on out! Any questions please call Verna at 215-237-1370.

6.     If you volunteered to help bake for SLMT, be sure to check your narthex mailbox for a note from Jacqui Shafer outlining what you have been assigned. She asks that your baked goods be left in the church kitchen by the Sunday before the work week begins.

7.     Attention Mission Committee folk: cards to be signed for our missionaries are on the counter in the office. Please take time to sign them this week or as soon as possible. And, pass the word along to members who might not be here today. 

8.     Coffee hour help is welcome!  If you've been wondering how YOU can help with the provision, set-up, and clean-up for our after-service coffee hour, don't wonder anymore!  Please ask Vangie Niederhaus or Gina Shoemaker how or when you can help.  Check the weekly church email or the church website for an online schedule where you can see (and sign up for) the dates that are available the rest of this calendar year.  You can sign up with Vangie in person as well. Thank you! 

9.     The flowers are given by John and Janelle Rittenhouse in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary.

10. Thank you so very much to all our dear sisters and brothers in Christ who have sent us their love, prayers, and beautiful cards at the passing of our beloved sister Esther Davis. We are blessed to be a part of the loving and caring Leidy’s Church family. Love and prayers, the Vasey, Walter, Brunner, and Peck families