
July 31, 2022


  1. Prayer Card Sunday is September 18t. Parents, we need a picture of your cute and adorable children. Please email the photos of your children to the office by August 15th.
  2. Join us for an August Prayer meeting on August 10 at 7:00 p.m.
  3. August 28th (please note the date change) is Sunday in the Shade. Join us for worship as we marvel at the Lord’s wonderful creation! Check the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to see where you would be able to help.
  4. Ladies of Leidy’s Fellowship & Craft Event. Join us on Saturday, August 13th at 9am. Samples and a sign-up sheet are on the table outside the Fellowship Hall. Join us for some indoor summer fun. Light breakfast fare will be provided.
  5. Summer Reading: We are reading Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges so that we may grow in Christlikeness, even at the beach. Cost is $12.00 Please contact the office.
  6. New Precept Study begins September 8 at 9 am. Join us for an in-depth study of 1 Thessalonians. This semester, learn the principles of exemplary Christian living and how to be a light in a dark world. Class meets in Rm. 118. Workbook $16.00/Contact Verna 215-237-1370.
  7. Laurie Plank offers her heartfelt thanks for the loving cards and encouraging words expressed to her at the death of her brother Gary.
  8. There is no Youth Group tonight or next Sunday. A Girl’s Night out is scheduled for this Saturday from 7-9 p.m.at Freddy Hill Farm for mini golf & ice cream. The cost is $5, we will meet at the entrance to the mini golf area. For more information on this event, contact Bambi Martindell.
  9. Thank you SLMT workers for all you did during Week One! The Carriage House is transformed, or should we say, unveiled since a 10-yard dumpster load of vines was removed. Thanks to Bob Ott who worked outside his comfort zone and did a great job strawbossing. The food crew was up early working in the kitchen by 5:45. We appreciate your labor of love! Thank You.
  10. We extend a hearty welcome to Jared and Abby Alleman today. Serving the Lord with The Welcome Network in Hammond, Indiana, the Allemans will tell us how the Lord Jesus is using them in ministry to refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers. It is good to have them back in Souderton for a few weeks respite.
  11. SLMT Work Week Two is slated for August 15-19. There is still plenty of room for volunteer workers. Construction skills are most welcome during this week. If you can only work a day or two days or three days, that’s fine too. Speak with Brian Radcliff for more details. The sign-up sheet is still posted in the narthex.
  12. LIBERTY MINISTRIES is thinking ahead to Christmas and is looking for people to decorate cards to be included in the bags distributed to incarcerated men and women in our local prisons. If anyone in your family would like to break out the markers or color pencils and help out, please contact the church office and we can provide you with a stack of cards to decorate. They would like to have them completed by September 14th.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.

  • The Erukula people are among the poor in India. They have little in the way of this world’s wealth and amenities. The way to wealth and affluence is not really open to them. But God has been at work among them bringing them to know what true riches really are: forgiveness of sin and eternal life through the Lord Jesus! That inner transformation results in outward transformation as well. They do begin to make advances in the goods of this world as they put biblical principles into the daily pattern of their lives and leave behind habits and behaviors that beget poverty and want. Hence, it is good to pray that Psalm 119:14 will be a pillar in their souls. I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches. May that be true for the Erukula people and for us.

  • Pray for the Global Disciples Directors Training in Chad that will take place August 1s through the 10. About a dozen men will be trained to be Program Directors for Global Disciples Trainings. These trainings are owned and overseen by local clusters of churches. Each local training will have 8 to 15 participants. The Program Directors will train disciples who will go and take the gospel to areas of Chad that are the least-reached with the gospel. Pray that God will grant vivid vision to the men trained these next 10 days, and that they, in turn, will train and send many others. After this the Lord appointed 70 others and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come. And He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest. [Luke 10:1-2]

Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Elaine Frank, Dana Gehman, Marilee Hughes, Donna Smith 4t; Natalie Reich, Diane Weber Karen Brown, Brian McClaskey 6t; Ginna Foote, Cyndi Schilling, Steve Yagilnicky 7; Grace Bissey, Sandy Derstine, Kathryn DiLenge, Elisha Smith 10t.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Gerald and Sherry Moyer 6t; Steve and Sandy Swartz 8; Frank and Phyllis Allebach, Justin and Chrissy Lockman 9t; John and Tara DiLenge 10.

Sign up for the Leidy’s Weekly Newsletter by emailing office@leidyschurch.org or go to www.leidyschurch.org