- Knowing More; whether a mature Christian or an interested believer, come and join us for Discipleship Explored, a conversational study of God on Tuesday’s, it begins at 7:45 in the Youth Room. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
- There will be a congregational meeting today after the service of worship to vote on the nominees for elder to consistory. They are Tim Leidy, Shaun Permar, Ed Schmidt, and Dave Reich. We will also vote on the proposed line item amendments to the approved 2022 Budget to fund pastoral care of our youth and children.
- A warm welcome is extended to Stuart and Delores Swartzentruber. They have spent their lives ministering among the First Nations people in northwest Ontario. Ending a time as Executive Director of Living Hope Native Ministries, Stuart will catch us up on all that’s happening in the far north country, a place Leidy’s Church has ministered alongside Living Hope for over 25 years.
- Plans continue to start a Classical Christian School at Leidy’s Church. Get further information from the church office.
- The next Prayer Meeting takes place this Wednesday from 7:15-8:30. Please join us as we pray.
- Want to join Leidy’s Church? An Inquirer’s Class beginning on July 10th during Sunday School is the perfect place to start. Come and join us as we Explore Partnership as Christians in the ministry of the church near and far.
- There will be a Fellowship Luncheon on July 10th after the worship service. All are welcome to attend.
- Summer Vacation Reading: We are reading Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges so that we may grow in Christlikeness, even at the beach. Cost is $12.00 Please contact the office.
- Get to WORK! The 2022 SLMT project and dates are set. July 25-29 and August 15-19 will be work weeks with Life Turning Point in Philly. Signup for these work teams in the Narthex.
- There will be a meeting for youth fellowship parents, or anyone who would like to help with the youth after the congregational meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided and babysitting if needed. If you have any questions see Peter or Bambi Martindell.
- Are you ready for some baseball? Leidy’s Church is headed to the IronPigs vs. Wilkes-Barre Railriders on Saturday, July 23r. Game time is 6:35. There will be someone in the narthex for you to sign-up to purchase your ticket.
- The flowers today are given by John and Janelle Rittenhouse in honor of their anniversary, and in honor of the anniversary of Aiden and Rachel LeFever.
Prayer Points
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- Learning how to walk in the Lord is a challenge for new Christians. They are accustomed to living a certain way, with habits and assumed ways of life that are opposite the way of life God’s has prescribed. (see, for example, Eph. 4:17-19) As we pray for the Erukula people in India and the 12 Church Planters working among them, we need to be aware of the dangers they face from the many false ways of living by which they are surrounded – and in which they once lived. Hence, this week let’s use Psalm 119:104 as our prayer launching pad. May it be a pillar of their lives. From Your precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way.
- Christians in Chad and Niger are on the frontier of faith. They are surrounded by other religions, both Islam and many forms of animist and native faiths. The Gospel of Jesus is new and foreign to them. Hence, Christians in Chad and Niger are in some ways like the earliest Christians who spread the faith throughout the Jewish and Gentile worlds in the first century. The proclamations of those first Christians were often accompanied by signs and wonders to confirm the veracity of their message. This week, let’s pray that the Holy Spirit would validate the Gospel message of the Chad and Niger Christians with signs and wonders as they seek to take the message of light to those sitting in great darkness.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Will Shafer 30t; Karen Carling July 1; Dennis Doran 2n; Genevieve McVaugh, Debbie Schatz, Blake Weiss 3; Bambi Martindell 6t.
- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Jake and Hannah Niederhaus July 2n; Michael and Sarah Nowling 6.
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