I recently constructed a raised hunting blind with my oldest son. I think it turned out pretty good, at least for someone who has never built something like that before. It’s got four walls, a roof, and enough room that I could even lay down in it. I just need to add the finishing touches—some plexiglass windows—and then we’re in business. I plan to even bring a small camp heater, which I keep claiming is to keep Andrew comfortable… but in reality, it’s for me. Pretty sure the generations of hunters before me would be ashamed, but I’m a 21st century man that likes being dry and hates having cold toes.
While the whole project took me a couple days, it was the foundation by far that took the longest. I spent several hours one day getting ready for one spot, only to waffle and end up digging them out in a completely spot. Needless to say, Andrew was pretty bored and was quick to let me know. But, in the end, the hard work paid off and the rest went up quickly. And it has a foundation that should last for a long time.
In Psalm 11, David writes that the Lord is his refuge, so how can anyone ask him to flee before the wicked? The wicked are lining up with machines and weapons of war, which is certainly intimidating! Verse 3 had really caught my attention: if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
You can’t turn on the TV, read the news, or go on social media and think anything but the foundations are crumbling. The nuclear family has been under attack since the mid twentieth century, only to be expedited by the Great Society programs of the 1960s. The social fabric we all took for granted, a morality which was a relic of more biblically-rooted generations, has given way to the postmodern (and post-postmodern?) subjectivity of morality and even reality itself. It’s also election season, which certainly portrays the current state of our country and world as quite dire, too. In short, making my hunting blind my primary residence actually doesn’t sound like a bad deal right now!
But the truth is, Christians are not called to flee. Let’s look back at Psalm 11:5. We read that God hates the wicked and violent, but He tests the righteous. Consider the current events to be our test. How are we going to face them? What are we doing to rebuild and repair the foundations?
I’d like to offer a two step program. The first step is to know that God is our refuge. When the world seems to be dragging you down, when things seem hopeless… turn off your phone. No, seriously, step away from everything. Go to a quiet room, and just take a few minutes to listen and talk to God. Read some quiet promises from His word, and find some quiet moments of refreshment in Him. Let Him be the refuge in your life. After all, He is on the throne, and He laughs at the feeble attempts of the wicked. Know that God is in control.
Step two, do what you can to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth. The famed children’s entertainer Fred Rogers said that his mother would tell him whenever there was a catastrophe to “look for the helpers.” Be the helper. My advice is to point to Matthew 25:31-46 as a guide. Look for opportunities to step up. Want to feed the hungry and hydrate the thirsty, but perhaps don’t know how? We’re collecting food right now by the church office. Feel called to welcome the stranger but feel awkward? Start by sitting in a different seat at church, perhaps by some folks you don’t know. Introduce yourself and tell them that you’re glad to meet them. Want to clothe the naked? Talk to the church office about helping sort clothing for our Rummage Sale! Visit the imprisoned? There are several folks in the congregation I can point you to with connections in prison ministry. My point is, don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Dive into doing what you can for Christ. I know when I’m in Christ’s presence and He’s sorting sheep from goats, I don’t want to tell Him, “Well, I would have helped more… but there were these funny videos on social media on my phone that were more interesting at the time.” How embarrassing.
In closing, start small. None of us can fix everything overnight. Like with any building project, building the foundation takes time. But prayerfully, we can bring hope. We can reflect our Savior’s light and our Savior’s love. As Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, our good deeds are an example to others and bring glory to God. Let’s be known for our outreach and love. We can rebuild our foundations.
See you soon!
Tim Leidy
Bring your favorite dish to share and join us for our Fall Potluck Dinner on Thursday, October 24th, from11:30-1:30. Come together with friends to enjoy an afternoon filled with laughter, fellowship, and mouthwatering dishes. This event is for the 55+ crowd! Signup via Planning Center or the sheet in the narthex.
Churches around the world have observed the first Sunday of October as World Communion Sunday, a day when all Christian churches serve the Lord’s Supper. Leidy’s Church joins with other churches on October 6th to remember the Lord Jesus in the Lord’s Supper.
Inviting all ladies to join us on Tuesday, October 1st at 7pm in Rm. 123 for our monthly Ladies of Leidy’s (LOL) meeting. We will be talking about the upcoming Rummage Sale (yes, it’s going to be here very soon!) and the Advent Workshop (yes, that time is approaching quickly also!!). ALL ladies are welcome and we hope you’re able to come. Feel free to contact Alice Kraus with any questions at 267-261-8543.
Samaritan’s Purse has a well-deserved reputation for doing the work of a good Samaritan in places of dire need all around the world. One part of that earned street cred comes from the Operation Christmas Child project. You can be part of that project this year.
There are assembled shoe boxes which are available in the narthex and other public areas of the church. The boxes are empty. The task of those who pick up a box (or two!) is to fill it. But don’t fill it with just anything. Inside each box is information explaining how to fill it, including what to include and what not to include. Make sure you read it!! Again this year there is a tag you can put on “your box” which if you scan it into your phone, you can track your box’s destination!
Boxes are to be labelled for “boy” or “girl.” Also, each box is to be labelled for 2-4 years old or 5-9 years old or 10-14 years old. If you don’t read the instructions [and follow them!], you won’t be able to label your box properly.
Over the years we’ve received feedback from missionaries we support about the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. In each instance, the report is glowing with praise and appreciation. The kids are ecstatic, and the families are blessed. That’s true whether you’re talking about Ontario or Romania or Ukraine or Venezuela or Uzbekistan or Kenya or wherever. It’s an effective means of sharing goods and the Good News at the same time. Both are much needed.
All boxes are due back to the church by November 3rd. Thanks for participating in the 2024 Operation Christmas Child project.
Pastor Darren has served us humbly for these past months: with wisdom, grounded in God’s Holy Word, with patience and always mirroring God’s awesome love! As a way of showing our appreciation there will be a Pastor’s Appreciation Luncheon on October 20th. We’ll gather together after church for a hearty meal with wonderful fellowship and good cheer. There will be a basket in the narthex for cards. Sure do hope to see you there!!
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation,” the apostle Paul wrote about Jesus Christ in Colossians 1. “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” These powerful words declare the absolute sovereignty of Jesus Christ, and Paul’s epistle to the Colossians resounds with soaring words of description concerning who Christ is and what Christ has done. It is a letter about the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But where is Christ most glorified? As hard as it is for many to believe, the Son of God was never more glorified than as he hung on the cross of Calvary, absorbing the righteous wrath of a holy God as a substitute for sinners. The slate of our sins was wiped clean, and the record of debt that our transgressions demanded was nailed to the cross and marked “Paid in full.” This is the message Paul wants to convey to God’s people: Christ’s glory and the cross go hand-in-hand.
The 17th annual Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology is thrilled to devote this year’s conference to an in-depth study of this exquisite letter. Colossians: The Glory of Christ is scheduled for November 8-9, 2024, at Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Quakertown, with speakers Brandon Crowe, Richard Phillips, and Derek Thomas. By God’s grace, we will start with Colossians 1:1 on Friday night and conclude with Colossians 4:18 on Saturday afternoon. We know you will be blessed as you sit under the teaching of God’s inerrant, inspired, infallible, authoritative, and life-giving Word.
Registration cost is $45 p/person, though $35 for spouses, students, and groups of 5 or more. Registration may be done online by going to www.alliancenet.org and clicking on the events tab and then clicking on the Quakertown tab.
The week of October 6th is when our Gym will be transformed with all the donated items we have received, and our community is invited to shop for their family wardrobes, linens, jewelry, books, toys, household items, and much more!
The Big R actually takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, the 9 and 10, but much work is done before then as well. Here’s when workers are needed:
On Monday and Tuesday from 9am to 8pm items are unpacked and arranged.
On Wednesday (9am to 8pm) we need friendly workers to bag items, serve as cashiers, and straighten items as many shoppers come to make their purchases.
On Thursday (9am to 6pm) we need the same sorts of workers as Wednesday, plus more! It’s the sales day featuring bags of goods for only $3, quite an attractive deal.
On Thursday at 6pm we need willing hands and strong backs to transform our facilities back for ministry before Sunday.
Mary Beth Musselman has a schedule she needs to fill, so be sure to speak with her if you can be plugged in at any time to help.
The funds raised at the Big R are disbursed where needed at Leidy’s Church and in our community by Ladies of Leidy’s. It’s a big undertaking, and with your help we can make it another great event.
When: October 19th at 6:00pm
Where: It's a Surprise!
What is Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Our church family will be hosting multiple dinners across different homes. The exact number of guests and hosts will be a fun mystery!
You have the opportunity to either host people at your house or be a guest at someone else's house for dinner. The host will find out who they are hosting, and the guest will find out where they are going ONLY on the evening of the event upon opening their envelope at 4:58 pm!
When you register for the event you choose to be a host or a guest. The host provides the main dish, while guests are asked to bring sides or a dessert.
This is a great chance to meet someone new and have a great night of food and fellowship. *This is for Adults only* Register via Planning Center or you can find the form in the office.
Prayer/Devotions: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM and opened in prayer. Pastor Darren led a devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Minutes: Minutes from the Consistory Meeting of July 10th, Congregational Meeting of July 28th, and Special Consistory Meeting of July 28th were reviewed. On motion of Tony Kapusta, seconded by Francis Weiss, the Minutes were approved.
Financial Report: General Fund giving totaled $56,621, while budgeted expenses totaled $69,788 resulting in a Total Fund Balance of $113,154. The average weekly giving was $14,380, which exceeds our “budgeted” weekly income of $14,261. On August 12th, $50,000 of the General Fund was put into a 7 month CD at Univest at a 5% interest rate. Renovation Fund contributions for August were $1,501 with disbursements totaling $200. $75,000 of this fund was also invested in a 7 month CD at Univest at a 5% interest rate. This resulted in an ending balance of $145,228. Note, the total amount invested in the Univest CD ($125,000) will mature on March 12th, 2025 and will generate a few thousand dollars of interest for the church. It was emphasized, praise be to God, that giving is currently 3% ($15,663) higher than we budgeted for and year-to-date we have spent 3% ($12,000) less than we budgeted for. It was also noted that a very generous $25,000 donation, designated for AV equipment, was received. On motion of Shaun Permar, seconded by Brian Radcliff, the financial report was approved.
Teams Reports: The AV & Tech Management Team will be changing the building access codes soon and updating the key FOBs accordingly. Christian Education reported that VBS was a success and Children’s Sunday school is fully staffed for the fall semester. Kids Quest begins September 25th and the team of volunteers for the program are in place. Food & Fellowship are planning to thoroughly clean the kitchen in preparation for inspection. The Missions & Ministry Support Team reported that the SLMT at Life Turning Point has ceased for the year due to Brian Radcliff’s (the foreman) injury. The Property Team shared that work will begin on the parsonage windows and siding the week of September 23rd and mulching around the church will continue through the fall. The Praise and Worship Team are meeting again soon and noted that plans for Pastor Darren’s Installation have been completed by the designated subcommittee in conjunction with the Praise and Worship team.
Business Items: It was noted that Dave Doran was selected as one of Spiritual Council’s nominees to serve on Consistory as a first term elder beginning in 2025 and he has accepted his nomination. The list of nominees for the other two open seats on Consistory (beginning in 2025) were discussed and Consistory’s nominees were finalized. The nominees were asked to serve and will be finalized once they make their decisions. The Congregation will vote to elect the Consistory nominees, and new elder nominees to serve on Spiritual Council, at a congregational meeting to be held in October. Two church clean-up dates have been scheduled. The first, on September 14th, will focus on cutting down trees and clearing out brush around the parsonage and barn. The second, on September 28th, will focus on cleaning out the interior of the barn and the area around the barn. Rich Kapusta will be drafting architectural plans for the renovations to the parsonage. Once the plans are complete, Brian will secure bids from 2-3 contractors. Leidy’s Inc. is no longer interested in leasing the HUB. St. Peters Anglican signed their lease for the HUB and have paid their first month’s rent and their Vicar, Geoffrey Firth, will be moving out of the church office and into the HUB. He will also be vacating the parsonage apartment by November 1st. Nate Sims and his family will vacate the Mission House by May 31st. A discussion was had regarding a $25,000 donation that the church received (designated for upgrading the current projection system in the sanctuary). More information is being collected and this will be discussed further at the October Consistory Meeting.
Pastor Darren led a time of intercessory prayer for spoken concerns. The meeting adjourned with a unison praying of the Lord’s Prayer at 9:51 PM.
Question 45: Is baptism with water the washing away of sin itself?
No, only the blood of Christ and the renewal of the Holy Spirit can cleanse us from sin.
Luke 3:16: John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Commentary - John Calvin
“He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” It is asked, why did not John equally say, that it is Christ alone who washes souls with his blood? The reason is, that this very washing is performed by the power of the Spirit, and John reckoned it enough to express the whole effect of baptism by the single word Spirit. The meaning is clear, that Christ alone bestows all the grace which is figuratively represented by outward baptism, because it is he who “sprinkles the conscience” with his blood. It is he also who mortifies the old man, and bestows the Spirit of regeneration. The word fire is added as an epithet, and is applied to the Spirit, because he takes away our pollutions, as fire purifies gold.57
R. Kent Hughes
The great classic text that celebrates and announces the believer’s baptism into Christ is 1 Corinthians 12:13: “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” That speaks of the Spirit’s initiating us into the body of Christ, and that happened to me when I was just twelve years old. I’d never heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but I was indeed baptized by the Holy Spirit. And now as the years have gone by, what was an objective fact has become a subjective reality in my life.
When I was baptized by the Spirit, I was regenerated, born again. I was born of the Spirit, John 3 says. What a beautiful picture. The metaphor of being born again describes a divine obstetrics because I was taken out of darkness and I was brought into light, and I began to see things.
At the same time I was regenerated, I was indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Jesus says in John 14 that the Spirit “will live with you” and “will be in you.” I lost my father when I was a little boy and had a sense of being alone in this world. When I became indwelt, a sense of paternity overtook my soul, of being adopted. I didn’t know that I’d been tagged by the Holy Spirit or sealed by the Holy Spirit. As it says in Ephesians 1:13–14: “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.” That further gave me a sense of protection and reality, that I was tagged for eternity by the Holy Spirit when I was baptized by the Spirit.
When I was baptized in the Spirit, I was also prayed for. Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought.” The Holy Spirit prays with groanings that cannot be uttered because he knows our hearts (Rom. 8:26).
And then, at the same time, I was enlightened. I can remember as a boy at a camp going back to my cabin, getting out my Bible, underlining in it, and having the Word come alive to me, as it has continued to come alive in my life. Now when John the Baptist pointedly said, “I baptize you with water, but [Christ] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire,” he was talking about the superiority of Jesus’s baptism. Water can wash only the outside, but the Spirit and fire regenerate and cleanse the inside. And so that is the great abiding reality and joy of being baptized with the Spirit and fire. The Holy Spirit is making all things new and constantly conforming us to the image of Christ.
We welcomed new members on September 29th. Make sure to greet them and make them feel welcome.
Karl & Jenny Ernst Leslie Spurlin
Tosha Kogel Jennifer Weinberg
Evan Delaplane
Dave Guntz, Bob Hager, Delton Plank, Brandon Kehs
2 John DiLenge
3 Laura Heebner, Kendall Musselman,
John Niederhaus
4 Karl Ernst
6 Andrew Heebner, Kelly Wilwert
7 Mike Hughes
8 Dean Kulp, Eden Vogelzang
10 Josh Heebner
11 Sandy Cressman, Jeff Maxwell,
Jethro Smith
12 Earl Jaunzemis, Dolores Reed,
Byron Rimmer
13 Tom Merritt
14 Justin Coale, Renee Doran
15 David Freed
16 Jeremy Smith, Lucas VanDerbeek,
17 Tara DiLenge, John Kroesser,
Sallybeth McClaskey, Darlene Schmidt
18 Steve Landis
19 Abigail Hall, Terry Leidy,
Hannah Niederhaus
26 LaRue Friday, Ron Miller, Bill Weigner
27 Phyllis Allebach, Mary Leidy
30 Mary Hoyt, Brian Lafty, Jr.
9 Dave & Beth Guntz
12 Irv & Denise Kulp
16 Bill & Miriam Weigner
19 Kevin & Joyce Godshall
20 Doug & Caren Elliott,
Jim & Angela Kinney
21 Brian & Gina Shoemaker
22 Jeremy & Justine Smith
23 Ed & Darlene Schmidt
25 Bob & Val Hager
26 Brian & Wendy Radcliff
27 Michael & Karen Mirabella