Friday, April 18, 2025
Join us for 36 Hours of Non-stop Prayer: Good Friday to Easter Sunday
Where: Leidy's Church Sanctuary
When: 7:00PM Good Friday - 7:00AM Easter Sunday
How: Sign up for a time that works best for you.
This is an opportunity to fix our eyes on Christ—His atoning death on the cross and His victorious resurrection. As we come together in awe of His sacrifice, we remember that by His wounds, we are healed, and in His resurrection, we have new life.
Join us as we pray from the cross to the empty tomb - Good Friday evening to Early Easter Sunday Morning, 36 hours of non-stop prayer. A sacred time set apart to seek the Lord.
We encourage you to commit to at least one hour of prayer. Please follow this link to review the available slots and sign up. We are hoping to fill at least one slot per hour. Come as you are able. Thank you!