Saturday, April 26, 2025
Date: Saturday, April 26th
Time: Doors & Silent Auction open at 4:30 pm
Dinner served starting at 5:00
Auction at 6:30
Place: Leidy’s Church Fellowship Hall
The Auction proceeds will benefit Kids Ministry Projects & The Mission Fund
Get ready for an exciting evening of fun and philanthropy! Join us for lively bidding, good food and great company! Win amazing items while supporting our church's mission. Don’t miss out on this exciting event!
Follow this link to the printable donation form.
Nothing is too big or too small - all donations are welcome! Please return the form and donations by Tuesday, April 22nd!
Good ideas for items to be donated could be:
- baked goods
- hand-made items
- work-related services such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical, cleaning, etc.
- weekend getaways
- family-style dinners
- act of service